4Travel to French-speaking countries


Of course, travelling to French countries is not the most economical choice but it’s still one of the easiest ways to learn the language. If you’re in between jobs or if you feel like taking a break, we recommend you run off to France, Montreal, French Belgium or Switzerland for some intensive French classes. Why not become an au pair for a French family? Why not get a work visa and become a waitress or a sales associate? There are so many options for you and so many creative ways to learn French abroad.

5Listen to French podcasts


Podcasts are great. You can listen to them while you are on your way to work, while you wait at the doctor’s office, in the plane, anywhere really! We think podcasts are great for your listening skills but we recommend you wait a bit until you’ve learned at least some basic French. Since you can’t see what they are saying, it can be hard to keep up, especially if they talk fast! Try the ones from Nouvelles Écoutes and Louie Media.

6Find French Youtube stars


Youtube is great because it’s visual. You can easily add subtitles, and if you’re watching a Youtuber teach French, then it’s a free class! You get language exercises, pronunciation help and you’ll also learn about the culture. Youtube stars are entertaining, they are fun and they can even become a ‘friend’. Don’t forget to check out stand-up comedians!