Are you planning a trip to France ? Or maybe you booked a holiday in a French-speaking country ? Anyway, you might want to learn some basic French sentences in order to speak with the locals. Here are some French travel phrases to introduce yourself or order food at the restaurant. It’s the perfect guide for a trip to France !
Do you want to have the best travel experience while visiting France or a French-speaking country ? Well, you should learn a phrase or two in French. It’s much more polite to try and speak the same language as the locals! Plus, if you learn enough French sentences to have a small conversation, you might be able to meet interesting new people, or people that can show you secret spots to eat, swim, visit, etc.
Basic French Sentences to Introduce Yourself
Besides the classic introductory words like “bonjour”, “comment ça va?” or “au revoir”. You might want to learn some sentences to explain more about yourself. It’s a good way to approach someone for information or answer to someone trying to speak in French with you.
Je parle un peu français = I speak a little bit French.
Je viens de… = I’m from…
Je suis là pour les vacances / le travail = I’m here for work / for the holidays.
Je ne comprends pas = I don’t understand.
Parlez plus lentement, s’il vous plaît = Speak slower, please.
French Travel Phrases to Move Around

You decided to go and smell the roses in the streets of a gorgeous little village, but now you’re lost. Or you simply want to be able to ask for the way? We have you covered. Here are some useful sentences to learn if you want to ask the way to your hotel, a restaurant or a landmark.
Où est l’hôtel / le métro / l’aéroport ? = Where is the hotel / the subway / the airport ?
Où est le centre-ville / la plage / le restaurant ? = Where is downtown / the beach / the restaurant ?
Je dois prendre le bus / le train / la voiture / le bateau pour… = I need to take the bus / the train / the car / the ferry to…
Est-ce que le bus / le métro / le train passe par là ? = Does the bus / subway / train goes through there?
C’est près d’ici ? C’est loin d’ici ? = Is it far? Is it near here?
Basic French Sentences to Order At a Restaurant
Let’s be honest, part of the reason you’re going to France is to taste some of the French food, right? If you want to be able to order directly in French, follow our instructions. You should also make a list of all the food you want to try and learn it in French. Let’s try some snails (escargots) and beef stew (pot-au-feu).
Le menu s’il vous plaît = Can I have the menu, please?
Je vais prendre… = I will have…
Je voudrais un café / une bière / du vin / une baguette… = I would like a coffee / a beer / some wine / a baguette
Combien ça coûte ? = How much does it cost?
J’ai fini, merci. = I’m done, thank you.
Je vous dois combien ? = How much do I owe you?
Puis-je avoir l’addition ? = Can I have the bill, please?
Basic French Travel Phrases to Meet New People

If you’re traveling to a country where you can speak the language, try to speak with the locals. They will help you find your way around a city, but also find the best spot to hang out or eat without other tourists. You want to travel through France like a local? Make some new friends! Don’t be scared, here are some helpful sentences to engage in a conversation.
Bonjour, pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît ? = Hi, could you help me please?
Est-ce que c’est un bon endroit / un bon restaurant ? = is it a good place / a good restaurant?
Que devrais-je visiter dans le coin ? = What should I visit around here?
Est-ce que vous pourriez me prendre en photo s’il vous plaît ? = Could you take my picture please?
Quelle est la spécialité locale ? = What is the local specialty here?
Je cherche un endroit pour danser et m’amuser. Où devrais-je aller ? = I’m looking for a place to dance and have fun. Where should I go?
Do you think these French travel phrases could help you? Obviously, if you want to really connect with locals, you should take some French classes beforehand. Did you know that thanks to Global Lingua flexible online courses, you can take your classes with Skype or through the phone? And you can tailor the courses according to your needs. Learn French and have the best trip possible!
And if you need some help with answering phone calls, we wrote an article to help you prepare and have stress-free phone calls in French.