English Words That are Actually French Words

You’ll be Surprised to Know That These 10 English Words are Actually French Words

Apparently, 30% of English words actually come from French. Yes, you're using French words. This can seem surprising since the French and English have not had the...
French Ted Talks

The 10 Best French Ted Talks to Learn More Than Just French

Listening to TED talks is a great way to learn about various subjects like religion, health, science or love, but they are also a great way to...
Best hits from the 1990's in Quebec

What Were Quebecers Listening to in the 1990s? Here are the Best Hits!

Sometimes, listening to old songs can bring back tons of memories and be a fun moment to reminisce about the “good old times”. If you were born...
best french comics

Read in French : 15 of The Best French Comics

If you’re trying to learn French, one of the best ways to practice is to read in French so you can learn more words and then acquire...
express your emotions in French

How to Express Your Emotions in French? 36 Useful French Expressions and Sentences to...

Learning a new language is always exciting, but it can also be challenging, especially when you are trying to express your emotions in French. However, learning different...
learn French for work

Why Should You Learn French for Work?

Are you looking to give your career a boost? Learning French could be the answer. It might seem daunting at first, but learning another language can help...
french food blogs

Food Lover? Follow These 10 French Food Blogs to Practice Your French

Do you often find yourself yawning during your French classes? Practice French online by reading something you love, like food blogs! Here are some great French food...

17 Basic Words to Learn if You’re Visiting a French-Speaking Country

If you are planning on visiting a French-speaking country or city in the near future, you should, of course, learn about their history, culture and most interesting...
learn some french portmanteaus words

Learn The Origin of These 10 French Portmanteaus Words

Portmanteaus words (or portmanteaux words), known in French as mots-valises, are single words that have two meanings. The word portmanteau (coat rack) itself combines two words porter...

Google Translate Introduces Canadian French as a New Language Option

Google Translate, the widely-used multilingual translation tool, has taken a major step forward with its latest update by introducing French Canadian as a separate language...