become fluent in 3 months

Can You Really Become Fluent in a Foreign Language in 3 Months?

If you’ve ever tried to learn a foreign language, chances are you’ve heard about the amazing stories of people who can become fluent in three months. But...

Back to School : 3 Tips to Help Your Child With French Learning

Where did the summer or Christmas holidays go? It’s already back-to-school season, and if your kid is learning French, you might be wondering how much of it...
franglais sentences to learn

10 Common Franglais Sentences You’ll Hear in Quebec

If you live in a bilingual city, there’s no avoiding it, you’ll end up speaking a little bit of both languages daily. Some purists will say it’s...
Find out what type of learner you are

What Type of Learner Are You?

You don’t know how to learn a language while being the most efficient? Maybe you need to discover what type of learner you are. We all know...
creative ways to learn french

10 Different and Creative Ways to Learn French

Are you looking for creative ways to learn French? If you’re learning to speak French, it can quickly become really boring to just do work exercises and...
Speak French better with these tips

How to Speak French Better : 3 Tips to Improve your Skills

Even with daily French lessons, you might feel stuck in your language learning. How can you speak French better? The best way to improve your French, when...
Visit martinique and french caribbean

Visit the French Caribbean and Feel Immersed in a Totally Francophone Community

Exquisitely clear azure and turquoise waters, white sand beaches, warm tropical air caressing your cheek… The French Caribbean is paradise on earth. If you are the type...

5 Online Newspapers you Should Read Daily to Practice Your French

If you are learning French and are looking for creative ways to apply it to your daily life, why not read Francophone online newspapers ? It's a...
French Youtube Channels

8 Youtube Channels To Help You Learn French

Learning a new language is a great thing to do. It improves your memory, you have a longer attention span, and you get to learn about a...
Take private language lessons to learn French

Why Private Language Lessons are the Best Way to Learn a New Language

You want to learn French fast? The most efficient way to learn a new language is to take private language lessons with a tutor. Since it’s not...