English Words That are Actually French Words

You’ll be Surprised to Know That These 10 English Words are Actually French Words

Apparently, 30% of English words actually come from French. Yes, you're using French words. This can seem surprising since the French and English have not had the...
2023 French baby names

The 2023 French Baby Names You’ll Be Seeing EVERYWHERE

Looking for a great baby name for 2023? Not sure if you should stick with something classic or go bold? If you're expecting a baby in 2023...
Learn these French sayings

French Sayings: Try to Find out What These 8 French Sayings Mean

Every language has its own quirks and funny sayings that seem quite strange if you don’t speak the language. French, for example, has many strange sayings that...
Learn french filler words to understand French slang

12 French Filler Words and Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Them

Did you notice how French people are always using filler words in their conversation? Sure, English people do the same, like, pretty often, you know… While learning...
why the French come to Quebec

7 Interesting Explanations Why The French Come to Quebec (Updated)

In 2021, 54.5% of recent immigrants had French as their only first official language, compared to 60.5% in 2016. Even though the proportion of immigrants who have sufficient...
difficult french words to pronounce

Here are Some of the Most Difficult French Words to Pronounce

Being able to pronounce words properly in a new language can seem like a total nightmare. People snickering while you say a word you’ve never heard is...
French baby names for 2022

30 Baby Names That French Parents Love for 2022

Looking for a name for your baby? What about a French name or a baby name with a French twist on it? Like usual, some baby names...
Celebrities speaking French

Did You Know That These 12 Celebrities Speak French Fluently?

French is a beautiful language that may not be as popular as English or Spanish or Cantonese but it is filled with rich history and worth learning....
Funny facts about the french language

10 Weird And Funny Facts About The French Language

If you’re trying to learn French, you might already know how difficult it can be. The French language has some weird rules, uses some weird letters (do...

Which Language Should I Learn? The Most Spoken Languages in Europe

When travelling in Europe, you might wonder which language would be the most useful, in order for everyone to understand you. Is English widely spoken? Here are...