Are you looking for a baby name? Are you due in 2019 and still looking for the perfect name for your baby? We got you! There are plenty of beautiful French baby names to choose from, especially if you like short names ending in “a”. Here are a few popular French baby names for all the moms-to-be in 2019.
What is a good baby name? Should it be classic, original, trendy or timeless? Should you choose from your favorite movies or from a trip you did? Just to help you and give you some inspiration, we looked for the most popular French baby names for 2019.
Popular French Baby Names For Girls

This name comes from the Latin “camillus or camilla”, which means “young man or girl of good family”. Your child would have a good start in life. Camille is a mixed first name, which means it can be both given to boys and girls! Is it why it’s been so popular lately?

Still a popular name in France! You might have noticed it already : Louise is the feminine form of Louis, another famous French name often given to kings… The name Louise was popular in the 1900s but declined after the 70s. But obviously, it’s coming back in fashion.

Did you know that in Latin, lea means “lioness”? And in Hebrew, Léa is the French form of Leah, which means “lioness of wisdom”. Léa is a strong name, which can explain why it’s been so popular in the last years.