

This podcast from Slate magazine is an intimate podcast about people’s personal stories. The stories are told in the first person, and they are usually stories that can happen to anyone. Each narrator that tells their stories is great storytellers. You’ll feel like a friend listening to their story.

Listen to it here.

5One thing in a french day

One thing in a French day

This podcast has more than 6 million downloads and more than 1,000 episodes. Episodes are broadcasted every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Laetitia Perraut brings you along with her everyday life adventures in France. You will learn common everyday expressions and typical sentence structures. Her podcast episodes aren’t very long so you never get bored!

Listen to it here.

6Aujourd’hui l’histoire

ICI Radio-Canada

Aujourd’hui l’histoire translates to ‘Today history’. These short, 20 minute episodes, are an excellent way to learn about some of our history’s most important events and people. You’ll learn about Elvis, Klaus Barbie, the Taj Mahal, the Manhattan Project, Napoléon Bonaparte, etc. The show’s goal is for its listeners to learn about the past to better understand who we are today. You’ll feel smarter when you go to bed and since the episodes are so short, you have no excuses!

Listen to it here.