Listening to a podcast is fun and usually educational. It’s easy to listen to one in the train, bus, plane or in the dentist’s waiting room. From food to travel to science, there is something for everyone. Here are 8 French podcasts for you to listen to practice your French listening skills. Some will make you laugh, others will make you think but we know you’ll find something interesting!
1C’est le plus beau jour de ma vie

Two of Quebec’s most popular actors, Anne Dorval and Marc Labrèche, talk about their lives, their feelings and conduct funny and short interviews with various people from different backgrounds. They’ve talked to a denturist to know if gifting dentures is a good gift and they also talked to a midwife about eating the placenta. They usually have time to sing one or two songs. For 1 hour, these two actors will make you laugh out loud!
Listen to it here.
2La Poudre

This feminist podcast hosted by Lauren Bastide, a journalist and radio host, is a great podcast for people looking to know more about feminism and key players in the movement. She interviews different inspiring women like artists, activists, political figures, etc. in a hotel room about various issues that touch feminism. Since its launch in 2016, there have been more than 1 million downloads.
Listen to it here.

Nouvelles Écoutes produces excellent French podcasts. Another one you might like is called “Mortel”, and is hosted by Taous Merakchi (alias Jack Parker). Be careful, this podcast is about death and everything that surrounds death, so you’d better be in the right state of mind if you listen to it. But it’s different from everything you might hear nowadays.
Listen to “Mortel” here.