Each year, dictionaries around the world have to adapt and add new words that people have been using. For the 2023 edition of the French Larousse dictionary, 150 new words have been added, such as “NFT”, “wokisme” and “grossophobie”. Here are 12 new words you’ll find in the 2023 Larousse dictionary.
2023 Larousse dictionary features 150 new words
Languages are rich and always evolving, either when we adopt words from other languages or when we invent some new ones. So obviously, dictionaries have to adapt and add new words each year! For 2023, the French Larousse dictionary added some words about COVID-19, new ideologies and food…
New words about COVID
After two years living with covid-related news and discussions, it’s no surprise that covid invited itself in the 2023 Larousse dictionary.
- Covid long (Long Covid): A condition reported by people who have had COVID, with symptoms that last for months or years, including fatigue and brain fog.
- Passe vaccinal (Vaccination pass): The pass that was required in France for entry into some public spaces, attesting to the holder’s vaccination status.
- Passe sanitaire (Sanitary pass): Used in relation to COVID, used before the pass vaccinal.
New words about our society
There are also new words used to describe the ever-changing society we’re living in…
- Wokisme: “idéologie d’inspiration woke, centrée sur les questions d’égalité, de justice et de défense des minorités”, meaning “a woke-inspired ideology focused on issues of equality, justice and the defense of minorities”.
- Grossophobie: Fatphobia. The fear and hatred or dislike of fat bodies, of fear of becoming fat.
- Pervers narcissique: The narcissistic pervert is a manipulator who seeks to destroy his victim through moral harassment and mental manipulation.
- Séparatisme: “volonté d’une minorité, généralement religieuse, de placer ses propres lois au-dessus de la législation nationale”, meaning “The desire of a minority, usually religious, to place its own laws above national legislation”.
- “NFT” (“jeton non fongible” in French): “Fichier numérique non reproductible et infalsifiable représentant un actif unique, objet virtuel ou physique (œuvre d’art, tweet, morceau de musique, etc.), qui est répertorié dans une blockchain et auquel est associé un certificat digital d’authenticité et de propriété”, meaning “A non-reproducible and unforgeable digital file representing a unique asset, virtual or physical object (work of art, tweet, piece of music, etc.), which is listed in a blockchain and to which is associated a digital certificate of authenticity and ownership”.

New words about food and hobbies
And finally, here are some perfect words added to the 2023 Larousse dictionary to describe our daily life and the foods and hobbies we love to discover.
- L’halloumi: Greek Cypriot cheese often made with sheep’s and goat’s milk, and fried.
- Konjac: Root-vegetable grown in parts of Asia, especially Japan, and often used to make low-carb food items such as noodles.
- K-pop: Korean pop music.
- Sériephile: A person who loves TV shows, someone who’s addicted to TV shows.
Which word do you feel could best resume 2022? Did you read our article about the 2019 Larousse dictionary? You can also learn some funny words here!