13They don’t like anglophones

This is a typical French Canadian stereotype. French and English Quebecers have not always gotten along because of many issues like the 1980… and 1995 referendums. Frenchies find it (quite) insulting when Anglos respond in English or work in a restaurant, bar or shop and say hello in English. While these two groups might have their differences, it doesn’t mean they can’t coexist in harmony… for the time being! Maybe it would be better if everyone was practicing the others’ language on Babbel.

14They are extremely friendly

Canadians, in general, are friendly people but internationally, Quebecers are known to be very friendly. Quebecers are very happy to be known worldwide as friendly people but this doesn’t mean everyone you meet in the province will happily give you directions, talk to you in a bar or ask you to come over for a home-cooked meal.

15Quebecer women are all beautiful

No Quebecer will be unhappy with this stereotype! It’s true, Quebec women are known to be quite beautiful. Two years ago, Montreal was ranked number 1 for having the most beautiful women in the world! With so many different cultural backgrounds, it makes sense that Quebecer women are real beauties.