7Christel Beltran: 5 in 5

Christel Beltran discusses how computer in the future will learn to use our 5 senses so they can adapt themselves to what we are feeling. Technology is evolving so fast that computers will soon be able to help us heal us. For example, a doctor could receive the symptoms of someone by the computer to analyze their patients’ diagnosis better. So, you wouldn’t have to go to the doctor’s office to be treated. It could all be done from your home. Economic, geographic and linguistic and cultural barriers would be demolished with this type of technology.

8Pierre Rabhi: Y a-t-il une vie avant la mort?

Pierre Rabhi is an Algerian writer, thinker, farmer and the inventor of the “Oasis in all places”. He’s a great believer in respecting humans and the earth. He believes agricultural practices should be accessible to everyone. In the video, he discusses the importance of food security and desertification.

9Dominique Careil: Les nomades, nos voisins d’hier et aujourd’hui

Dominique Careil discusses the world of gypsies. They live in our society but because of social injustices and social biases. He wants people to learn to live with them and to embrace them instead of only seeing them as criminals or outsiders. Dominique often repeats that “Knowing the other to better live with them.”