7Tomber dans les pommes (fall in the apples)


Fall in the apples??! What is that suppose to mean? Well, I guess it would kind of hurt if you fell in a sea of apples since they are hard and don’t have any elasticity. So it kind of makes sense that to fall in the apples is to faint. This saying comes from a letter written by George Sand from a letter of Madame Dupin who says she’s in “the cooked apples”, which means to be in a very advanced state of tiredness.

8Manger sur le pouce (eat on the thumb)


No, you can’t really eat anything off your thumb unless it’s jam, peanut butter, Nutella or other spreads. This saying means to eat on the spot, quickly and then leave right away. You often see people eating at counters, standing up and then leaving right when they are finished eating.

Do these French sayings make sense to you? Do you know any other French sayings? If you’re curious about weird expressions, check our article!
