children books to learn French

Reading a book is a great way to learn a new language. And it’s a great way for children to learn French while having fun! Why not go to your local library and take out some fun children’s books to learn French? It will help your children and teens learn slowly the basic French words. We’ve compiled 12 children’s books to learn French. Well, these are books that most French people have read during their childhood and teen years. These are great works of literature that you might enjoy as well!

Children’s books to learn French

Here are some children’s books to learn French… When you just start learning French, these beautifully illustrated children’s books will slowly familiarize you with basic words and phrases. It’s also a great way to help your children learn French!

Vieux Thomas et la petite fée by Dominique Demers

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" Vieux Thomas et la petite fée ", l'un des plus beaux albums jeunesse que j'ai lu de ma vie. Ce dimanche 1er octobre à la Maison symphonique de Montréal se tiendra le concert présenté par l'@osmconcerts qui mettra en vedette l'album écrit par la grande Dominique Demers. Un événement unique à ne pas manquer. Si vous n'avez jamais lu cette histoire, je vous invite à la découvrir lors de votre prochaine visite à la bibliothèque ou à vous la procurer en librairie ! En passant, l'édition à couverture souple coûte juste 12,95$ !!!! 😍🙌🏻✨💚#lesptitsmotsdits #vieuxthomasetlapetitefee #dominiqueetcompagnie #litteraturejeunesse #albumjeunesse #dominiquedemers #stephanepoulin #littqc #kidsbooks #bookstagram #livrepourenfant #kidslit #osm #orchestresymphoniquedemontreal #conte

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This book tells the story of an old grumpy man who doesn’t like any humans. One day, he finds a very small girl, lying lifelessly on the beach, and carries her home to save her. He feeds her, he nurses her to health and loves her like a daughter. Unfortunately, the old man dies after being attacked by a large dog who wanted to hurt his little fairy. This beautifully illustrated book is a must-read and a classic amongst children’s books to learn French.

Aventures de Gilda by Lucie Papineau

Gilda is a giraffe who lives in a cave. This giraffe is unlike all other giraffes! She only eats watermelon and when it there is a fierce Northern wind, she loses her spots! If you love the first book Pas de taches pour une girafe you’ll love all the other volumes from the collection.

Martine series by Marcel Marlier and Gilbert Delahaye

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There are 60 volumes of the everyday adventures of little Martine. Each book represents one activity: From taking the train for the first time to going on vacation and celebrating Christmas, this little girl will transport you into her little Belgian world. Even if the activities are mundane, you can still learn a lot of words and build your vocabulary. From 1954 to 2010, you can appreciate the illustrations by Marcel Marlier.

P’tit Loup collection by Orianne Lallemand and Eléonore Thuillier

The P’tit Loup collection of books are easy to read and aren’t very long. Each story has a moral or teaches very young children something. You might find them a bit babyish but it’s a great place to start if you’ve just started to learn French. Try reading them to your own children, your niece or nephew or even to your grown-up friends.

T’choupi by Thierry Courtin

T’choupi is a series of books meant to dedramatize certain situations that can happen with children. Every book has one main theme: his first day of school, going to the supermarket, going on vacation, etc. There are more than 80 books, and since then, there’s been a movie and a television show. If your children like these books, you might want to buy the box set.

Les malheurs de Sophie by Comtesse de Ségur

This children’s book was written by the Russian and French Countess of Ségur. She wrote a number of novels but she is best known for Les malheurs de Sophie. The book is set in the French countryside. Sophie is very curious and adventurous and keeps getting herself into trouble. Her cousin, Paul, always leads her back into the right direction.

Teen books to learn French

When you feel more comfortable with the language you can start reading these excellent teen books. Even if they are meant for teenagers you will still enjoy them!

Le journal d’Aurélie Laflamme by India Desjardins

This book series is one of Quebec literature’s biggest successes. The book is written in the form of a diary. The protagonist, Aurélie Laflamme, 14, writes about her daily adventures at school, her love life, her friends, her relationship with her mother, and how she deals with her father’s death. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, you will relate to at least one of her numerous adventures.

Amos Daragon by Bryan Perro

This fantasy book series tells the story of a 12-year-old boy and his quest to become the ‘Mask Wearer’. If you love adventure and magic, you will truly enjoy these books. Thanks to his magical powers and his trusty sidekick Bromanson, who can transform himself into a bear, the two head out into various magical kingdoms to find masks of power.

Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Le Petit Prince is one of the most famous French books ever written and was even voted the best book of the 20th century in France. It’s not really a children’s book because it is very philosophical and literary. The narrator’s plane crashes in the Sahara and he meets a young man who calls himself a prince. While the pilot tries to fix his plane, the little prince talks to him about the story of his life. This book is very detailed and you must pay attention closely to what is written to understand every meaning.

Coeur de slush by Sarah-Maude Beauchesne

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Aaaah, Coeur de slush, mais quel beau livre rempli d'innocence ! J'ai beaucoup aimé le personnage de la jeune Billie. Elle m'a fait sentir jeune à nouveau. 💜 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• « Je veux faire l'amour avec Pierre même s'il ne m'aimera jamais. Je veux faire l'amour avec lui de tout mon corps de vieille adolescente, de tout mon corps d'innocente, puis cacher notre moment à nous deux dans mon carré de sable secret. » •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• « Mon coeur est déjà enroulé dans des barbelés, mais je suis curieuse, je voudrais tout savoir de Pierre. J'ai tout pleins de points d'interrogation qui font des meetings dans ma cage thoracique depuis notre première rencontre. » •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [#bibliophile #livraddict #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #instalivre #livrestagram #litteraturequebecoise #romanjeunesse #auteurequebecoise #sarahmaudebeauchesne #coeurdeslush #jaimelire #passionlecture #igreads #instabook #littqc #romanquebecois]

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This trilogy recalls the story of a teenage girl and her rollercoaster love life. Like Le journal d’Aurélie Laflamme, the protagonist is a young girl who asks herself many questions, she lives through a few heartbreaks, and she learns from her mistakes. If you’ve ever lived through a summer fling and heartbreak you will understand Billie’s woes. Amongst all the children’s books to learn French, this one would be perfect for teens discovering love.

Vango by Timothée de Fombelle

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Hands down timothée de fombelle is the best children book writer I’ve ever known. Đọc truyện mà tưởng tượng được cả cảnh phim trong đầu. Lời văn kiểu súc tích gãy gọn, plot twist xếp khéo đến mức đọc đến nửa chương mới biết cái chương đấy có plot twist. Không bị quá dồn dập mà lại gây tò mò kinh khủng. Đây lại còn là 1 trong số những quyển cũ hiếm hoi mà t thấy nhã nam dịch rất hay, không bị hơi vô duyên như mấy quyển mới xuất bản gần đây. Cảm xúc như hệt ngày đầu đọc tobie lolness :((( @nhanambooks làm ơn xuất bản vango 2 tại vì nếu truyện có 2 phần mà xuất bản mỗi 1 nửa thì kì lắm ;;-;;

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Timothée de Fombelle is an international award-winning author. This story full of adventure will take you travelling all across Europe via trains, boats, and even the Graf Zeppelin airship. After Vango is wrongfully accused of a murder by the police and darker, more sinister forces, he runs away and tries to learn more about his shady past and to prove his innocence. You’ll be glued to your book with this crazy adventure!

La Passe-miroir by Christelle Dabos

La Passe-miroir is a series of fantasy books by the award-winning author Christelle Dabos. The protagonist is a young girl named Ophélie who has a very unique gift: she can read the past of objects and can go through mirrors (passe-miroir literally means to pass through a mirror). Ophélie is married off to Thorn, from the Dragon clan who lives in the Citadelle which is the floating capital of the Pôle. Without knowing it, she plays part in a plot she had no idea about. This book is a real page-turner!

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