

Is this drink warm or piping hot? Like all the previous examples, it’s nice to be more specific when writing down something is hot. Here are some excellent French adjectives you can use as synonyms: bouillant (boiling), fébrile (feverish), oppressant (oppressive), suffocant (suffocating), tropical (tropical), caniculaire (searing heat).



Again, using the word différent is pretty basic and boring. If you want to evolve in your writing, you can’t always use the same words. You want your reader to be truly interested and impressed with your vocabulary. Use these synonyms and try to stop using this word: distinct (distinct), dissemblable (dissimilar), original (original), particulier (particular), unique (unique), singulier (singular).



If you say someone or something is important then people will understand it is something (or someone) that needs to come first, but if you use more specific words, they will understand their real importance. Try these synonyms instead: crucial (crucial), essentiel (essential), majeur (major), fondamental (fundamental), incontournable (inescapable), notable (notable).