

Saying someone is happy is so boring and this word is overused. Having a rich vocabulary can really add something to a text so it’s time to use other words to express someone’s happiness: heureux (happy), satisfait(e) (satisfied), ravi (pleased), enchanté (delighted), réjoui (glad), emballé (thrilled).



There are a lot of different degrees of anger. From being annoyed to boiling with anger, there are a lot of feelings in between that can express different types of anger. Use these synonyms to say the exact the perfect amount of anger someone is feeling: contrarié (frustrated), mécontent (not happy), insatisfait (unsatisfied), bouleversé (upset), vexé (miffed), furieux (angered).



This is another adjective that is often used in texts and stories. Saying someone is intelligent is fine, but if you really want to elevate your work, then use a synonym that will really make you look intelligent! Doué (gifted), brillant (brilliant), aigu (sharp), ingénieux (ingenious), malin (astute), adroit (clever).