french beauty blogs to follow

Do you often find yourself yawning during your French classes? When you are practicing French, it’s easier if the subject you are discussing interests you. For example, if you love beauty and makeup, you will find it much easier reading French beauty blogs or check out French skincare brands with your teacher than learn about the local economy. Here are some great French beauty blogs to browse so you can learn the proper French beauty vocabulary but also discover new French beauty bloggers!


Facebook Babillages

Capucine Piot founded her blog in 2007 for fun while she was studying Communications and Journalism but in 2014, she turned her pastime into a full-time job and created a blogzine centred on the beauty sphere. Her blog revolves around makeup, skincare and hair products as well as tutorials, tips, tricks and news about the beauty industry. She does also have a lifestyle section for those interested in knowing her favourite shops and restaurants. If you love makeup and skincare products but hate buying a product you’ve never tried, let Capucine tell you if it’s worth the buy.


2Et pourquoi pas Coline

Coline is a blogger, youtuber, photographer, creator, and founder of Numéro 7. This Parisian woman loves fashion and beauty and writes about her favourite products and new trends we should look out for on her blog but also on her Youtube channel. When she does her tutorials, she lists all the products, so you know exactly what to buy to emulate her amazing looks. She is also vegan and loves to talk about ethical beauty products and fashion. Her blog is one of the most famous French beauty blogs.


3Kleo beauté

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Hier, sur le blog je me suis mise a nue (makeupestiquement parlant hein 😁😉) avec les sublimes produits de @burberry beauty ! C’est un style de maquillage assez peu habituel pour moi qui aime les rouges bien … rouges 💋 Et il n’y a que Burberry pour m’y convertir 😄 Celles qui ne les ont pas encore vu, toutes les photos sont sur le blog (lien dans la bio). Et vous, que représente pour vous le maquillage nude ? Une valeur sure ou une « contre tendance » par rapport au makeup très exubérant que l’on voit ce dernier temps (des faux cils et les lèvres mates) ? Photo by @pikshaparis #burberry #burberrymakeup #freshglow #burberryfreshglow #makeup #naturalmakeup #nudemakeup #french #paris #beauty #beautyblogger #maquillage #burberrybeauty

A post shared by Kleo Beaute (@kleobeaute) on

Kleo is a beauty blogger living in Paris who only learned French a few years ago. She has always been in love with beauty and makeup. She studied physics and management but decided to start her own beauty blog for fun and it grew from there. She warns readers that she didn’t study makeup and is not a pro which we love since it makes her down to earth and she feels like a friend more than a teacher. She tries tons of beauty products and gives you her real opinions about it (what she likes about it/what she doesn’t like about it) and tries it on herself so you can actually see what the product looks like on someone. Everything is divided into categories so you can easily look for what interests you the most.
