7Je t’ai forwardé son courriel


Sometimes people are just lazy and it’s easier to just say a universal word than to dig in in your mind to find the appropriate word. Usually, people’s emails are in English so it’s normal to retain ‘forward’ and not transférer a document. Let’s say that some franglais sentences are a mix of laziness and pure convenience.

8Ils ont towé mon char les maudits


Ils ont towé mon char les maudits means ‘they towed my car the bastards’. When you’re so angry that you can’t make a proper French sentence you really mean it when you say you’re angry about it.

9Check mes nouveaux souliers


Quebecers are obsessed with saying ‘check’. They say it all the time in any situation. So in this sentence check mes nouveaux souliers is like saying ‘look at my new shoes’ but the ‘look’ in this sentence is like ‘admire my new shoes’ (there’s a huge difference, am I right?).