Do you hate answering the phone? Or having to call people? It’s a real fear and it is considered a type of social anxiety. And it can be worse if you have to speak in a foreign language. Business calls, job interviews on the phone, Skype calls abroad… Here are 17 basic sentences to answer the phone in French.
4 Tips to Avoid Phone Phobia

First of all, there are some simple things to set up in order to be calmer on the phone. Some people don’t like answering the phone and talking to strangers, while others don’t like calling people on the phone. Either way, you can train yourself to be more confident.
- If you have to call someone, write down the things that you have to talk about or basic information you have to transfer.
- Take a deep breath before typing the phone number.
- Introduce yourself in a slow and steady voice. It will set the tone for the whole conversation.
- Don’t be afraid to take your time to answer the phone. People can wait for a few rings.
Basic Sentences to Answer the Phone in French
If you need to have phone conversations in French, these basic sentences will be useful. You will have to introduce yourself or ask who’s on the phone, ask for a specific person, explain that the connection is bad, and finally, end the call.
Engaging in a Phone Conversation
Allô ? – Hello?
Je voudrais parler à … – I’d like to speak to …
Pourrais-je parler à … ? – May I speak to … ? (more formal)
Qui est à l’appareil ? – Who is calling?
C’est de la part de … / C’est … à l’appareil. – … is calling.
Je vous appelle à propos de … – I’m calling you about…
Dealing With Phone Problems
Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement, s’il vous plaît ? – Can you speak slower, please?
Ne quittez pas. – Please hold.
Je suis occupé, pouvez-vous rappeler plus tard ? – I’m busy, can you call back later ?
Je te rappellerai plus tard. – I will call you later.
Je vous entends mal. Je ne vous entends pas – I can’t hear you.
Je ne capte pas très bien – My reception isn’t very good.
Je vous le passe. Je te le passe / Je transfère l’appel. – I’ll put you through / I’m transferring your call.
La ligne est occupée. – The line is busy.
Ending a Phone Call
C’est tout ce que j’avais besoin de savoir, merci. – That’s all I needed to know, thank you.
Bonne journée, au revoir. – Have a nice day, goodbye.
Merci pour votre aide, au revoir ! – Thank you for your help, bye !

Vocabulary to Make a Phone Call or Answer the Phone
Un téléphone – a phone
Un téléphone portable – a cell phone
Un appel – a phone call
Un numéro de téléphone – a phone number
Appeler – to call
Composer un numéro – to dial a number
Décrocher – to pick up
Laisser un message – to leave a message
Patienter – to wait
Être coupé – to be cut off
Raccrocher – to hang up
Rappeler – to call back
Sonner – to ring
With these basic sentences, you’ll be able to practice having a phone conversation with a friend or a stranger ! Feel free to role play with yourself or with a private teacher. For example, it’s important that you feel comfortable if your job requires that you answer the phone in French… The more you use these words, the easier it will be when you actually have to call someone.