

Vidéaste is the combination of the words vidéo (video) and cinéaste (filmmaker). This is another portmanteau word that appeared because of the popularity of the tech world. Vidéaste means someone who creates and makes videos with a video camera. Many people on Youtube are amateur or professional vidéastes.



You might use the word motel without even knowing it’s part of the French portmanteaus words! Motel is the fusion of the word motor and tel (hotel). Motels are usually situated right on the road so people doing long road trips can easily stop to rest for the night. That’s why the two words were combined since usually, someone sleeps in a motel because they are travelling for long periods of time and don’t want to stop in a small town that’s out of the way.



A héliport is a mix of the words hélicoptère (helicopter) and aéroport (airport). A héliport is an airport for helicopters that perform commercial transportations. These airports are usually quite small and include some hangars and fuel stations. Some people even have a héliport (or also known as a helipad) on their roof or large buildings can also have some on their roof.