10Pommes de terre sautées


Even easier than gratin dauphinois. To cook these potatoes, you just have to make sure that every potato piece is covered in something greasy. You can use olive oil, butter, or duck fat. In the South-West en France, potatoes are cooked in goose fat (or duck fat), garlic and parsley, and are called “pommes sarladaises”.

11Purée de patates douces


Like our friends from North America, we sometimes have mashed sweet potato. You can prepare it with only sweet potatoes and butter, or add some Christmas spices like ginger and nutmeg.

12Poêlée de champignons


Finally, why not go outside for a walk and pick some wild mushrooms? Sautéed mushrooms are a great side dish for meat and potatoes. But be careful if you’re cooking mushrooms that you picked yourself: they might be toxic.

French food for Christmas : le dessert