4La parenthèse (Élodie Durand)

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Another autobiographical graphic novel, La parenthèse tells the story of Judith, a 21-year-old woman who keeps getting feelings of discomfort that turn into seizures. When the symptoms don’t stop, her doctors complete tests and find out Judith has a brain tumour. The author’s goal was to share her story and create a discussing about brain tumours and her struggle with fighting this fight. This story proves that life is fragile and you can’t take anything for granted because bad things can happen to anyone.

5Tout seul (Christophe Chabouté)

Tout seul tells the story of a man who’s been living in a boat alone for 50 years. He’s not going anywhere, the boat is immobile. Why does he stay put? He is more scared of what’s out there than staying where he is alone. The only way to not go crazy and not feel so lonely is for him to use his imagination. This graphic novel is a novel filled with tenderness, sensibility but also humour which makes you fall in love with this strange and lonely man.  

6Chroniques de Jérusalem (Guy Delisle)

Guy Delisle is known for his autobiographical graphic novels. Since he travels a lot, he writes stories about where he’s been and gives us an inside look at what goes on in these specific regions in the world. For this novel, he followed his wife (who works for Doctors Without Borders) and spent a year in Jerusalem. Delisle depicts everyday life and how people live their lives during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His graphic novel won the Fauve d’or at the 2012 Festival d’Angoulême.

You can buy the French version on Amazon.