4Palais des Nations

Did you know the United Nations Offices (UNOG) were located in Geneva? If you want to learn more about this noble organization, this is the place for you. You can get a guided tour to understand exactly what goes on in the offices and what kind of activities occur. Fans of politics and history will enjoy discovering all the rooms where the important meetings occur. You can also enjoy walking through the surrounding parks and act as though you are a foreign diplomat.

5Jardin Anglais

The English garden in Geneva is another beautiful place to just stroll around or sit and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful view of the lake. You have to cross the Mont-Blanc bridge (unless you are already in the old city) to get to the park which is located directly on the lakeside. The park has a huge watch made with seasonal flowers and grass. Geneva is a great place for people who love the outdoors and parks like this one is a great example of their love for green spaces.

6Quartier des Grottes

This neighbourhood is located on the north side of the lake behind the train station. This is the more bohemian, young and cool neighbourhood that is unlike anything you see in Geneva (Geneva is known to be more posh and clean). It was first inhabited in the 1960s by anarchist communes and squatters but turned into a great and affordable place to live. It is a great place to discover independent shops, cool cafes, and great restaurants as well as the famous Schtroumpfs: funky houses with colourful facades which might remind you of Gaudi architecture.