4Roasted Chicken With Mustard

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Une publication partagée par Edda Onorato (@undejeunerdesoleil) le

Let’s forget the turkey this year! You could cook a whole chicken instead, with some mustard to add a tangy flavour. In this recipe, there is an extra french touch: herbs!

  • Some vocabulary to help you:
    Poulet = chicken
    Crème liquide = heavy cream
    Moutarde = mustard
    Romarin = rosemary

Find this recipe on Un Déjeuner de Soleil.

5Roasted and Stuffed Duck Breast

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Une publication partagée par Paprikas (@paprikasblog) le

Do you want to go the extra mile with a fancy main course? Choose duck! It can be cooked in various ways, like duck à l’orange or duck confit. But did you know that just like a turkey, you could stuff a duck breast with a mushroom and olives mix?

  • Some vocabulary to help you:
    Magret de canard = breast of duck
    Tomates confites = candied or sundried tomatoes
    Olives vertes = green olives

Find this recipe on Paprikas.

6Creamy Gratin Dauphinois

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Une publication partagée par Léa • Tangerine Zest (@tangerinezest) le

What is more French than a “gratin dauphinois”? If you want to offer something new in place of the simple mashed potatoes, here is the recipe for a creamy potato gratin. Try to choose the right kind of potatoes: they have to keep their shape even when cooked in the oven.

  • Some vocabulary to help you:
    Pommes de terre = potatoes
    Beurre = butter
    Ail = garlic
    Noix de muscade = nutmeg

Find this recipe on Tangerine Zest.