4Caravane (Élise Turcotte)

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Caravane is not one but about 15 short stories grouped together. Even though they are different stories, they still all revolve around one character named Marie, a 35-year-old woman who thinks back on her life and thinks about specific moments that made her who she is. The stories in the short story collection are not in a logical order but the more you advance in the collection of stories, the more you understand the character.

5Titre de transport (Alice Michaud-Lapointe)

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This collection of short stories is all about the stories of various people that take the Montreal metro. Every single person that takes this mode of public transportation has a story: some are sad, some are lovely and others are full of hate. The author shows the fast-paced movement of the city and also shows how everyone, even though we are all different, come from the same place.

6Le sel et le goémon (Christine Arseneault-Boucher)

Les éditions la Morue Verte

If you love the sea then this is a great read for you. This collection of short stories is all about the Canadian Maritimes (which makes total sense since the author is from the Magdalen Islands). If you enjoy poetic texts that are meant to make you think and be read with a critical mind and enjoy getting to know characters in a deeper way. This is the perfect reading material to bring on a long train ride or while at the cottage.